Category Archives: Soda

The New Pepsi Logo

The New Pepsi Logo is Mario.

You will never be able to un-see this.

Drawn by Curtis, idea by Ben Whitehouse.

Also, from elsewhere on the net:

Some guy on Reddit had a PDF of the ridiculous marketing info some advertising company produced about Pepsi’s logo, pre-roll out. It is well worth downloading the PDF.

This image has bounced around the net so much that I have no idea where it originated. It’s not technically true, and the full, much more interesting story, is on the blog Brand New.

Slate, and many others, claim the new Pepsi logo looks like Obama’s logo. I think both logos happen to be circles.

And, for a bit on the history of various logos, Terry O’Reilly has a great episode of The Age of Persuasion all about Leaving Your Mark.

Curtis Retherford

Caffeine Free Pepsi Review


Pros: Comes in gold can. Feels like I’ve won a contest every time I pop one open.

Cons: Taste. Lacks Caffeine. Gold paint may cause Alzheimer’s.

Disclaimer: I don’t really like Pepsi. I still buy their products whenever they release a new one, but ultimately I am haunted by that familiar old ghost: I don’t really like Pepsi. Also, occasionally the ghost of Dr. Pepper haunts me, which is weird, because I didn’t even think he was a real person, and I especially didn’t think he looked so much like Gary Busey.

Now I know that the main question that you, as a reader (or as a listener if someone is reading this to you because you’re blind or never took hooked on phonics or something), the main question you are asking is: Does Caffeine Free Pepsi taste like regular Pepsi? And I wanted to answer this question as scientifically as possible, and so while sampling Caffeine Free Pepsi for this review, I tried to REMEMBER what regular Pepsi tastes like. No lie, I sat there and really thought about it, really tried to remember. Got my remembering on. And the answer is? Probably. I mean, I guess. Mostly. Tastes like pop, what else do you want?

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